The purpose of this cookies policy is to provide clear and precise information about the cookies used on our website. We use own and third-party cookies to improve our services, customise our website, make it easier for our users to browse, offer an improved experience when using the website, identify problems and thereby improve the website, carry out measurements and usage statistics and show you advertising related to your preferences by analysing use of the website. We inform you that we can use cookies on your device provided you have given your consent, except in those cases where the cookies are necessary to browse our website. If you give your consent, we will be able to use cookies that will allow us to gather more information about your preferences and customise our website according to your individual interests.



Cookies and other similar technologies, such as local shared objects, flash cookies or pixels, are tools used by Web servers to store and recover information about website visitors, and also to ensure correct functioning of the website.



Types of cookies depending on the organisation managing them:

· Own cookies: these cookies are sent to the user’s terminal from a computer or domain managed by the owner of the website from which the service requested by the user is provided.

· Third-party cookies: these cookies are sent to the user’s terminal from a computer or domain not managed by the owner of the website from which the service requested by the user is provided, but by another organisation that processes the data obtained through the cookies. In addition, if the cookies are installed from a computer or domain managed by the Website owner but the information collected by them is managed by a third party, they will also be considered third-party cookies.

Types of cookies according to their purpose:

· Technical cookies: these are cookies that allow the user to browse a website, platform or application and to use the different options or services thereon, including those that the editor uses to allow management and operation of the website and enable its functions and services. These include, for example, monitoring traffic and data communication, identifying the session, accessing restricted access areas, remembering the component elements of an order, carrying out the order purchase process, managing the payment, monitoring any fraud associated with the security of the service, dealing with an application for registration or participation in an event, counting the number of visits for the purposes of invoicing licences for the software with which the service operates (website, platform or application), using security elements during browsing, storing content for the dissemination of videos or sound, enabling dynamic content (for example, animation to load a text or an image) or sharing content on social networks. This category also includes, because of their technical nature, those cookies that allow management, as efficiently as possible, of any advertising spaces that, as one more element of design or “layout” of the service offered to the user, the editor has included on a website, application or platform based on criteria such as the content edited, without compiling information about the users for other purposes, such as customising this advertising content or other content.

· Preference or customisation cookies: these cookies are used to remember information so that the user can access the service with certain characteristics that differentiate his/her experience from that of other users such as, for example, the language, the number of results displayed when the user performs a search, the appearance or content of the service depending on the type of browser used by the user to access the service or the region from which he/she accesses the service, etc.

· Analytics or performance cookies: these cookies allow the person or entity responsible for them to monitor and analyse the behaviour of users of the websites with which they are associated, including quantifying the impacts of adverts. The information collected by this type of cookies is used to measure activity on the website, application or platform, in order to introduce improvements according to the analysis of the users’ data usage.

· Behavioural advertising cookies: these allow us to manage, as efficiently as possible, the advertising spaces on the website. These cookies store information on user behaviour obtained through continuous observation of his/her browsing habits, allowing us to develop a specific profile to show advertising adapted to that profile.

· Geolocation cookies: these are used to find a user’s location when he/she requests a service. This cookies is anonymous and is used, for example, to offer you relevant information depending on the country where you are located. Types of cookies according to the length of time they remain active:

· Session cookies: these cookies are designed to collect and store data when the user accesses a website. They are generally used to store information that only needs to be kept for the provision of the service requested by the user on a single occasion (for example, a list of products bought) and disappear when the user logs off or ends the session.

· Persistent cookies: with these cookies, the data continue to be stored in the terminal and may be accessed and processed for a period defined by the person/entity responsible for the cookie, which may range from a few minutes to several years.



• PHPSESSID: cookie técnica y estrictamente necesaria que contiene el identificador de la sesión. Se elimina al cerrar el navegador.

• _lang: cookie técnica y estrictamente necesaria que contiene el idioma de la sesión. Se elimina al cerrar el navegador.

• ac_cookies: cookie técnica y estrictamente necesaria que contiene el valor de si se ha aceptado la instalación de cookies. Caduca en 1 año desde la última actualización.

• _ga: cookie de Google Analytics que habilita la función de control de visitas únicas. La primera vez que un usuario entre en el sitio web a través de un navegador se instalará esta cookie. Cuando este usuario vuelva a entrar en la web con el mismo navegador, la cookie considerará que es el mismo usuario. Solo en el caso de que el usuario cambie de navegador, se considerará otro usuario. Caduca a los 2 años desde la última actualización. Más información del tratamiento realizado por Google Analytics aquí.

• _gat: Esta cookie se asocia con Google Analytics. Se utiliza para limitar la velocidad de petición - la limitación de la recogida de datos en los sitios de alto tráfico. Caduca a los 10 minutos.

• _gid: Esta cookie se asocia con Google Analytics. Se utiliza para distinguir a los usuarios. Caduca a las 24 horas.



The user can, at any time, allow, block or delete the cookies installed on his/her device by changing the settings on the browser installed on his/her computer:

· Chrome: Chrome Settings -> Advanced -> Privacy -> Content settings.

For more information, consult Google support or your browser Help.

· Internet Explorer: Explorer tools -> Internet options -> Privacy -> Settings

For more information, consult Microsoft support or your browser Help.

· Firefox Firefox: Tools - > Options -> Privacy -> History -> Customised Settings

For more information, consult Mozilla support or your browser Help.

· Safari: Safari Preferences -> Security

For more information, consult Apple support or your browser Help

If you deactivate the cookies, it will not prevent you from browsing the website, but the use of some services may be limited and, consequently, your browsing experience may be less satisfactory.



The user may withdraw his/her consent relating to the Cookies Policy at any time, and may delete the cookies stored on his/her device by adjusting his/her internet browser settings, as described above.



This Cookies Policy may be modified when required by the legislation in force at any time or when there is a change in the type of cookies used on the website. For this reason, we recommend that you review this policy every time you access our website, so that you are appropriately informed of how and why we use cookies.


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  10:00 h - 19:30 h
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